My Gui is changing sizes

So I created a health bar for my game but it just changes size whenever I test it. Please tell me how to fix it. (Also if I used the wrong category please tell me)


This is more of a setup issue with GUIs.
You should probably use the Search bar up top since this topic has been covered soooo many times before.
Basically it appears you used the UDIM2 Size instead of Scale property.
Try this:


You need to scale your gui size instead of using offset. Here is a plugin that converts size to scale. Also scale makes it so it scales to all devices. AutoScale Lite, Also you spelt health wrong lol


I spelt it like that on purpose lol. I’m trying to make it like a cartoon type game with lots of words misspelled.

Ahh ok good luck with the gui and keep up the good work


I’m not sure if this is the problem, but it might be scaling like @foundanerror mentioned. When you put the size of the frame or text label, use the first number instead of second. That might not make sense but here is an example
({0,220},{0,220}) instead do ({0.2,0},{0.2,0}). This way it will be the same scale on all devices.

I did that but it doesn’t work.

Did you use the plugin that I sent?

Yes it didn’t work as I wanted it to. I realized that the local script I added is the problem.

may I see the script?

the script under the frame

The problem got solved already. It was because the script set the gui to be the same size as the gui behind the health bar.

Maybe you need to make the gui’s offset to zero, works perfectly fine for me, it also makes the gui fit on all devices.

Please read what I said right above your comment. It has already been solved.

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@ForgottenTravels then please use the “Solution” button under the post that was the solution. This is how the forum works for solved posts and is much easier than rewriting the title.

Oh sorry, I thought I already pressed the button.