My GUI tween is not working

I want to make it so that once a button is clicked, it makes sure the user owns a GamePass and if so, then the main frame/actual GUI pops up and if clicked again, it would go away. But, the GamePass part is already done. My issue here is that it’s not popping up whatsoever. I’ve tried changing positions, changing a few things in my script, yet nothing helped.

This is my script which is in the Open/Close button and it should be able to make the main frame (Base) pop up.

local MPS = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local userId = player.UserId
local gamepassId = -- My gamepass ID would be here, which I do have in my inventory.

if MPS:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(userId, gamepassId) then
	local animframe = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Base
	local move = false

		if move == false then
			animframe:TweenPosition({-0.4, 0},{0.645, 0}), "In", "Quad", 1)
			move = true
			animframe:TweenPosition({0.016, 0},{0.645, 0}), "Out", "Quad", 1)
			move = false

	MPS:PromptGamePassPurchase(player, gamepassId)

I’ve looked into multiple Devforum posts, and Youtube videos which I expected to help but, it didn’t. I’ve been trying to make this work for a little over a day and yet I can’t find a solution. If you do have an idea of what could be wrong with my script, please inform me and I’ll be able to implement it into my script.

Remove the {} brackets inside the parameter of it doesn’t use a Table.