My Homo Habillis starter character

I tried to make Homo Habillis (an extinct human species) in roblox studio.


some feedback would be nice!


Overall not bad but in a way it looks like it has swollen cheeks you could try adding more hair on the top of the head but other then that good job.

It looks pretty good, though the cheeks look a bit weird, but as a whole it’s pretty nice. Another cool extinct human species is homo floresiensis, which were relatives to humans that were tiny! Full adults were around 1.1 meters tall, or 3.7 foot tall. They only lived on the island of Flores, and they were nicknamed the “Hobbit” from their small size.

Yeah i need to do a bit of work on the face. but thanks for the feedback

I think im going to try and recreate more and im probably gonna start with homo floresiensis

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