My Image got rejected for no reason!

This is a Image I made from my Tab and it is a Cola Logo… I want this to get accpeted but they rejected it very quickly So I think it was auto rejected by bots. I really want this in my game. Could anybody help me with this?

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Try to make minor or any type of change to it and the bot might not reject it. It really depends on why the bot might be rejecting it too so maybe redesign it if the first thing I said doesn’t work.


Okay I’ll try polishing it a bit and try it again see if it works.

I got a little question… If I get too many rejection will I get banned?

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Try to upload it again (use a different account).

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I think the moderation bots might have thought this was blood or something but other blood images were allowed so idk what happen.


Thanks a lot, I make a little change with the sharp edges!


The name of your upload can also matter. I’ve uploaded things that got rejected, I simply changed the name and everything was fine. Just something to look out for.

Instead, PM this group regarding rejected assets by moderation.


Next time just use this instead of making a topic, it floods the the category and isn’t really needed either way since the moderation system isnt that nice anyways.

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I don’t know but it could happen maybe