My images are getting moderated

Sorry if this isnt the correct section but I have no idea where to post this, I dont know if this is a bug and I dont see a section for moderation bugs but I got a simple green bar moderated for being inappropriate and literally had my account de-activated which is absolutely absurd!

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    Not be moderated for simple images?

  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!


This tiny green square is literally what got moderated
Not to be rude but what human would find a green square to be inappropriate?

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three possibilities:

its probably a bot moderating it and messed up
the moderators thought theres a hidden message inside of the box
the moderators just moderated it for no reason

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Thats extremely frightening when they will just disable your account willy nilly without a human making sure 100% that the image is actually offensive.


Try messaging these people on getting your image verified.


Be sure to give the Image link.

If they determine for it to not be verified, then it isn’t verified, but so far, I got all of my submissions as positive, in less than 24 hours.

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60% and we’ll all be grateful. Sometimes it’s like 20% :joy:

I think they don’t like small images because they might have something hidden which yours obviously doesn’t.