My journey with cashout

With the timeline i had and have to create and finish this city, massive overhauls to existing structure don’t make the cut for things i want to change, nor do small details because its an entire city. This is less of a looking for feedback post, and more of me sharing my journey with this game so i can look back on it in the future. However, i know I’m not the best modeler/builder in the world and my ego is not that fragile so if you’d like to have discussions about things that could change, i welcome it. Maybe ill see something that i really agree with :slight_smile:

Anyways, Cashout is an open world sandbox game much like the hood. Only has a less grunge artstyle, better weapon system, and more tools that allow you to change the server. For example, you can buy lighters. Lighters can blow up the gas station, you can fart on them to get a boost into the air (lol) you can set fences and trees on fire, and more to come. Systems like this exist alot in the city. The goal is for the players to explore the world and figure out what’s possible.

Me and my programmer buddy started cashout 2 years ago with the intention of it being a jailbreak esc robbery game. It looked like this.

Looking back, just from a birds eye view no way this city would be playable. I put form over function a lot because up until this point I’ve never made a city game.

But i also made buildings like this in that time period.

I liked this build so much i did a revamp

1 Year ago i put the project on hold because we realized it was too big an undertaking as the devs we were. We focused on a pizza game and eventually hit it big with tycoons. After making millions of robux and knowing its possible to make roblox a job we set out to make a hit sandbox game- Hopefully its Cashout.

I cant wait to see what the future holds. I’m really hopeful. I feel like i have something special here. If it isn’t cashout that makes it on this platform, it will be something i do. I wont give up :grin: