The physics works just fine, so we know that the parts’ data has reached the client. The parts don’t show up though. It could be a problem with my graphics card but I haven’t updated my drivers in a long time and this just started happening recently.
When I sit in a seat, though, everything suddenly appears except some parts making up the ceiling. Also, this bug doesn’t happen every time I join the game. I’d say it happens about 20% of the time.
I deleted all the unions from Workspace and now this doesn’t happen anymore. So this must be a big bug with unions. I’ve got a bunch of unions in maps that go in and out of Workspace and I can’t just delete them all. Please fix.
Deleting all the unions from Workspace didn’t actually fix this.
I’m almost certain that I found the source of the problem. It’s a function I bound to RenderStep that fluctuates the transparency of a part. As soon as I unbind it, everything works great.
Here’s a repro that may or may not work since this bug is so elusive: WeirdRenderBugRepro.rbxl (40.2 KB)