My lobby isn't rendering on my client

The physics works just fine, so we know that the parts’ data has reached the client. The parts don’t show up though. It could be a problem with my graphics card but I haven’t updated my drivers in a long time and this just started happening recently.

When I sit in a seat, though, everything suddenly appears except some parts making up the ceiling. Also, this bug doesn’t happen every time I join the game. I’d say it happens about 20% of the time.

I deleted all the unions from Workspace and now this doesn’t happen anymore. So this must be a big bug with unions. I’ve got a bunch of unions in maps that go in and out of Workspace and I can’t just delete them all. Please fix.

Deleting all the unions from Workspace didn’t actually fix this.

I’m almost certain that I found the source of the problem. It’s a function I bound to RenderStep that fluctuates the transparency of a part. As soon as I unbind it, everything works great.
Here’s a repro that may or may not work since this bug is so elusive: WeirdRenderBugRepro.rbxl (40.2 KB)

Have you been able to replicate it through another machine or a friend?

are they meshes or unions

Some are. Most are parts.

Are you using a custom camera?

if your using custom camera dont forget to set the focus, that determinds what to render.

No custom cameras.

Experiencing the same problems here.

You should include a link to your game in your bug report.

Here it is with task scheduler. I don’t know what any of the measures mean but there might be something wrong with Render.

This happened with my place when I put in too many unions.

Try deleting like 50 unions and see what happens.

I had like 4 unions and I deleted them all. Now it works!


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What does the profiler say?
I’m guessing that the performance issue is causing the missing parts.