local self,player = script.Parent,game.Players.LocalPlayer
local char = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:wait()
local humanoid = char:WaitForChild(“Humanoid”) – waits for the humanoid in the character
function makevisibleinvisibleandinvisiblevisible(part)
if part and part:IsA(“BasePart”) and( part.Name==“LeftUpperArm” or part.Name==“LeftLowerArm” or part.Name==“LeftHand” or part.Name==“RightUpperArm” or part.Name==“RightHand” or part.Name==“RightLowerArm”) then – checks if a part and is a arm
part.LocalTransparencyModifier = part.Transparency
part.Changed:connect(function (property)
part.LocalTransparencyModifier = part.Transparency–Changes the local modifyer(client side only)
for _,v in pairs(char:GetChildren()) do
makevisibleinvisibleandinvisiblevisible(v) – adds all parts
[Solved] I fixed the script myself by changing findfirstchild to waitforchild lol
r15 uses both ‘BasePart’ and ‘MeshPart’ as visual joints, maybe consider not checking for each individual part. If you want to check for only parts that should become ‘visible’ i’d rather put them in a table and call it using table.find() just like so
As to the reason why right hand wont show, it is probably because you’re holding a gear.
I have done this and the right hand is still not visible, , plus I am not holding any gear.
local self, player = script.Parent, game.Players.LocalPlayer
local char = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:wait()
local humanoid = char:WaitForChild(“Humanoid”) – waits for the humanoid in the character
function makeVisibleInvisibleAndInvisibleVisible(part)
if part and (part:IsA(“BasePart”) or part:IsA(“MeshPart”)) and table.find(visibleParts, part.Name, 1) then
part.LocalTransparencyModifier = part.Transparency
part.LocalTransparencyModifier = part.Transparency --Changes the local modifier (client-side only)
for _, v in pairs(char:GetChildren()) do
makeVisibleInvisibleAndInvisibleVisible(v) – adds all parts