My map might be so big it's gonna freeze mid-tier pc's

So, me and my builder are making a map.

Theres a slight problem though, we are aiming to make it 2048 x 2048, its an urban one. It’s a city.

The game crashes when we stress test it.

Basically, when we do this:

Unless you have 36 GB’s of ram (and its gonna use 90% of it) the game will crash. It crashed mine 16GB of ram with i7 and an RTX 2080.

The map is entirely made from meshes.

Is there any way to deal with this insane memory without cutting down on detail?
Or are we going too ambitious?


The CPU explodes when you sit on a chair.

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You can try replacing your current buildings with custom drawn imaged windows keep as less parts as possible definitely if you’re creating a house that you can go inside of by keeping the part count low as possible you’re preventing lag unless you’re focusing on one scene high part/poly count is just fine. If you have any meshes you could turn there render fidelity to automatic that way the poly will decrease from a distance instead of keep them always rendered. Your game is pretty much crashing due to your houses that are being duplicated they may have to many parts if you wanted more space you could increase the roads weigh and make the houses sized up bigger to take up more space.


try not testing it where every house is in view, and so close to one another. Also try turning on streaming enabled.

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Is StreamingEnabled not an option? StreamingEnabled would probably be the best way to go.

StreamingEnabled API link


Can we have a link to the game? I have a feeling that the map isn’t the issue if you’ve just copied a bunch of assets since instancing is super powerful. I know this because I’ve made a game that had over 45,000 primitives and it ran fine, as well as a stress test of over 100k primitives that also ran fine.

But to confirm anything I’d have to see it for myself. DM me if you don’t want to post the link here, I’m certain we can fix it :sunglasses:


Even if your game has a million instances, it still shouldn’t take up that much ram. Perhaps there is another reason for it? Do you load a lot of assets in your game?

You should use the profiler to see what is taking up so much RAM

There are only meshes in the map.

My god. It was too much for my 2012 laptop.
Well, I could do stuff normally, but I couldn’t open dev console. The hell began only after clicking F9. I don’t have any idea why it works like that.

Even meshes should have a lower poly count if you’re going for a vast map. Meshes do take up less memory then using actual parts; however, it’s not recommended due to meshes taking so much of your GPU.

Come back to me when you know what you’re stating. thanks

I said in my comment earlier in this thread to have over 45000 Primitives and was fine. Please read previously posted comments.

Additionally, meshes don’t take up RAM any more than loading in other assets during game startup.

Unioning parts is actually the worst thing you can do here. Part geometry is incredibly light-weight and Unions are technically just really messy Meshparts. If you want the most performance-friendly Union, download it, clean out all the redundancies (there are so many redundancies in Unions), and reupload it as a Meshpart. This takes time obviously so the best way to avoid it is to just use Meshparts from the get-go :stuck_out_tongue:

Back to you, @tankattack9, this:

is really bad.

For starters, use a texture for goodness sake! For four floors of every house (three storeys and the roof) you have this Part-made flooring that could literally be just a texture.

Like, honestly, everything else seems fine? Seriously just the flooring is killing you right now.

You could probably change the building supports to a Meshpart if they’re currently made out of Parts.

It’s hard to tell if these are holes made with Unions, but as I said above, if they are, remove them. You’re better off just using Parts for this.


Every piece of information in my post was from a Roblox wikia article. I trusted it too much. Sorry for wasting your and others’ time.

Oof. Your game is still grilling my laptop.
I think you should try it with workspace.StreamingEnabled. It’s going to be harder to script the game and players won’t be able to see the whole map, but it will make the game playable.

To add on to this, if you want to remove all the floorboards very easily you can use this plug-in:

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The entire map is made from meshparts as mentioned in the topic.

Also, what about the chair issue?

And does that still make the floor bad?

And does that still make the windows bad?

My laptop which I would consider a mid-range gaming laptop(1660 ti, 16gb RAM) is getting just over 3gb of RAM usage.

Ok? Still use a texture instead of Meshparts for the floors? Seriously it’s the floors that are impacting you the most, regardless if they’re made of Parts of Meshparts, it’s a ton of instances that don’t need to exist. Fix those, and then see where you’re at in regards to memory use - then move along from there.

I didn’t say anything about the chair issue because I don’t know. Granted, it’s probably just an issue with how much memory is used from everything else. Fix the floor issue and see if it’s still a problem.


Probably not, but I’d need to see how exactly it’s arranged and how many Meshparts they’re comprised of.

thats how the walls are arranged
