My marble ball system

Hello everyone i made a simple marble ball system :slight_smile:

What do you think of it?


This is in the wrong category.

However it looks good. My only feedback is make it so all the players accessories/body parts are inside of the ball. I have also seen that it gains velocity as it moves longer, I would make a maximum velocity so you don’t have people going to space in a helicopter ball.

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I can see this becoming a full game. Looks nice

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Thanks for suggestioni i will do that.

It looks really good. But I agree with @Herxuy, I would make a maximum velocity.

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You are taking credit of @EgoMoose’s marble system called “Super Primate Ball”.

His video in this post he made:

At least you can refer to it as not your system. As it is disrespectful to take credit of someone else’s hard work.

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Hello. I didn’t take @EgoMoose marble system. Scripts and everything else is diffrent in my version.