My mesh id could not be fetched

I have a script that is supposed to give a player a helmet and it works fine but the helmet is not visible and the output says.

MeshContentProvider failed to process because 'could not fetch

Can someone please explain or tell me what is wrong


try doing rbxassetid://2023194867 instead?

Ok thank you so much I will try it out

It was already that so it did not work

what’s the URL/Link of your mesh?

Are you able to change it manually without a script?

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If you’re grabbing the ID straight from the URL of the mesh. You may not actually be loading the mesh’s ID.

Try the following:

First, toggle the command bar to be visible.

In the studio command bar, enter the following code.

game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(2023194867).Parent = game.Workspace

Command Bar

In the workspace, there should be a new object named “Model”, check inside for a mesh ID. It could be a MeshObject or a MeshPart. Copy the ID of the mesh. If it’s different, then that’s the true Id of the mesh you’re trying to load. Change the old mesh ID with the newly copied one, and you should be good to go.


I will check :thinking: :thinking:

Ok I will try those two :grinning: :thinking:

You don’t need to say stuff like “I will check” etc. it just spams the topic.
Simply do it and reply to us (IN ONE MESSAGE) if it worked.


Ok I tried both of them and it works thank you

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syntabyte, can you help me?
i’m trying to do this code and i’m keep getting:

can you help me?

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