My mesh's face won't load when I'm facing it

I probably got the wording wrong. I really don’t know how to describe the problem by words, I will still try.

When I’m looking at the mesh model, let’s say from above, I can see the back face, but not the front one. When I look from below, I can see the front face, but not the back face. I imported all.

I made the mesh on Blender, and it looks just fine. What’s causing this and how do I fix it?

Blender Viewport:

do you have the Double sided (i thinks thats what its called) Property on?

if you dont have it on, try turning it on.

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Late response. I found out that the normals of some objects were messed up, I fixed them manually and then re-added them back on Studio. That fixed the issue. Your suggestion also works btw, so thanks for that lol.

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