Hey, so yeah for the past like 30 minutes I was basically staring at this screen, trying to figure out how I should design it so it’s clean and not too bulky.
Firstly, here’s the screen so far: https://gyazo.com/12d9d5610d9520b2e525ee88f9666732
That big white rectangle over to the right is the viewport frame for the character, this is where the character will be rendered as you customize it, I’ve yet to finalize a position for that to go, but I originally thought maybe the right side and put the customization tools to the left.
Now, the stuff that’s gonna be going on this screen are basically different categories. Skintones, hats, hair, and clothing (shirts/pants), and I think all of these except skintones will be scroller frames, as I plan on adding a large number of accessories to the game that you can collect.
But yeah, I really don’t know what to ask here. I tried a couple designs just throwing together category buttons or stuff like that, but nothing looked too good. I’m not a UI designer. This is very tedious stuff for me
Any random-sketches on this screen to show me a certain design or stuff like that would be awesome, or any advice would be highly appreciated as well.
Thanks a bunch!