My model in *.fbx exported to Roblox Studio with errors and bugs

Hello, today I have created a “fictitious train”, so far so good, but when the train is finished exporting, it kind of floats, and I have put an area to enter the train, but I didn’t enter it either, it’s like when you make a hole through a block in Roblox Studio and you can’t get in, as if Roblox Studio misprinted it, would there be a solution to that problem?


Hi, @dylanykenia3, could you provide some pictures of the problem?

It’s difficult to understand, but do you have items like doors and internal spaces that won’t allow the player inside?

If so it isn’t an error or a bug. It’s there to help MeshParts and Unions be easier to compute their ‘collision box’.

Use the MeshPart Property CollisionFidelity and set it to PreciseConvexDecomposition. The Default setting is NOT visually the same as it is physically so negative spaces don’t always allow you to walk through them.

There are already a lot of other posts about MeshParts or Unions not allowing players to move through them. Try the Search tool up top with different terms.

Thanks! PreciseConvexDecomposition solved my problem!

Now the problem I have is that hitting the game derails.

Is the train car held to the rails by anything? Roblox trains don’t usually work well if you rely on ‘gravity’ to hold them down.

It looks like your rails are Meshes too. if you want to see what MeshParts or Unions how physically shaped you can go to your Studio File tab, select Settings, select Physics, and click the Show Decompostion Geometry checkbox. I don’t know if you still have to change a Property of the item you want to see, but it’ll show you how it the item is shaped. Another way is to use the Mesh Optimization Tools - Roblox plugin which allows you to just click that instead of follow the steps I mentioned.

As far as the derailing issue I made a tutorial place on how to make trains work on rails (and there are many other posts about the same thing on the forums as well if you just Search them)
Test Train, bogeys with tilt (VectorForce or Hinges).rbxl (174.8 KB)

It’s a simple train on a track that has corners and hills. The train bogeys are allowed to rotate and tilt, and there are wheels below the rails and in between the rails that allow the train to stay on the tracks up to insane speeds.

I used CollisionGroups to allow the wheels under and between the tracks to only collide with the rails.

Oh, ok. Here a test

Sure, great video, but it doesn’t look like you tried anchoring the train cars to the rails in any way like I suggested.

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