My Modern House [1]

Hi, I recently made a made one Modern house for my friends and I wanted some feedback on where IRobloxScreenShot20200418_142349531 can improve more on… Please give me some feedback’s thank you :3


The house is great, but the exterior can be worked on. Try adding trees and stuff


Alright, thank you so much for the feedback’s!

Try adding details to the wall it’s actually too bland, also it looks pretty empty both on the inside and the outside.
Anyway keep on trying and the house will turn out great.


Alright, ill try to add more details! Thank’s :3

Overall looks great! Just use something different than the concrete block,maybe terrain?


Sure i will thanks for the feedback!

you could try setting the top border around the wall/roof to black just to add a bit of variation,


also an accent colour that can be used throughout the house would be nice; the build looks a bit bland right now.

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I think it’s pretty nice. I think there’s somethings that could be worked on, the walls are a bit plain, so I think you could work on that, there’s still room for improvement.

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looks nice, why not put some decor and furniture inside the house. :smile:


Also, I would suggest to mess with the lightings a bit. It would turn out great because the scene would look realistic since you are building a Modern House.


I really like this build, I like how you did on the stairs that was good, and a quick tip this build would look way more better if you did it in studio but otherwise it’s looking good!

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Looks nice but very lacking in details and looks very blocky. I’d suggest looking at a reference image and noting down some of the smaller details that make up the building and mimicking them. Either way you have a nice start. Good job.

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I like the exterior design, but it needs more detail. It’s definitely not finished. Maybe update us on a final product so we can give you good, and clear suggestions.


Haha thank’s, but the stair’s was a free model loll…

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I will, thanks for the feedback! :3

I am working on exterior as i am really capable of designing the interior.

It looks great so far, I like the detail and design of the modern house, however I do have some suggestions that you could possibly add:

I would try to focus on the little details, it kind of has that main outline for the entire build. If you want to actually make it look impressive and better, add some chairs and tables underneath the awning on the side of the house, try adding a muntin on the windows if you don’t know what I’m talking about I’ll leave a image below, add some lights to the top of the ceiling, add the terrain features like the pot plants, bushes, grass and trees, and add the stairs, pathway, and rails to the outside of the house.

Maybe try placing a large handle on the door if you already added that I’ll skip this suggestion, try placing some wall lights on the house because a lot of “Modern houses” have those so consider adding some.

Other then that the layout and design is looking very amazing.



I love the house, but I would suggest adding a little more detail… Using just the plain wood planks texture looks, in my opinion bad. I think you should change it to individual wedges placed there on a plain black block, to create the illusion of wood being there.

I would suggest putting wedges on the house, like I did in this photo:

But, otherwise, it looks great!


Thank’s for the feedback and a photo of example! :3