Hello I’m DarkBegin and I’m trying to make a kind of “Goomba” in my roblox 2D game.
I put a killpart in the player to kill a NPC.
But nothing works, no way to find a solution
My monster named Orlox has a Humanoid named Ghost, he has a script to walk from a part to another part which works. But there’s no way to kill it.
I enabled CanTouch everywhere in the monster, also in the killpart.
if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Ghost") then
it depends what specific part you’re looking for, if it’s the parent’s name then add parent, if it’s the part then set it so it only checks part that is being touched properties
hopefully that solves it but i’m not sure why you don’t add a touch part on the top of the ghost’s head instead of adding a wide rectangle half below your player’s torso which can still kill the ghost if you just touch it with your waist