Hello!, i see your on my post. I made this build a bit back and haven’t made anything since. Its my first complete build and i went with a “roblox-lowpoly” style with meshes Incorporated into it.
I made this for my simple mini-game i made for fun. Feel free to give harsh feedback as i intend to improve my building skill. Here’s the place and some screenshots. (i don’t really care if someone was to maliciously steal it as i don’t intend to use it) Shotsim Map - Roblox
I really like how it looks, very good beginning! Keep on this good work!
And if that would be a commission, I would say around 7.5k - 10k R$. But I can’t give an exact price, because I’m more that guy who takes and not gives commissions.
What do I like about your build?
So, first of all I would like to start about the map size. I think it is a decent size. The next thing is about your terrain/map, I like the tree meshes as they look very nice and fit in with the style as well as the boulders/rocks. Another thing is a like the bit where there is a hill you are able to go up and go inside, the inside of that yellowish colored building looks okay, maybe could of added a few more details. Then you’ve got the temple looking building which is one of my most favorite structures on your map as it has a bit more detail and it just give me the feel that it fits in with the theme more than the yellow building structure you have at top of the hill. All in all your map is looking good. The next thing is about the little cave you got going on there which has the little shards pointing down. I do like the graveyard area. The meshes of the grave stones are really nice and have a bit of detail by having some text on it, also that they are all different and not the same.
What could be better about your build?
Right, I will start off about the yellow building, as I said it looks nice but I just have that feeling that it does not really fit in with the theme. Also, the map could be bigger a bit more. You have not said what type of game it is but I am guessing a fighting game so it could have more things to hide behind. In the cave you could add yourself dead.
Let’s not exagerate. Like he said this is his first build.
You have to focus on the detail more, not just squares and cloned trees, etc (I hope you got it)
However, the map is overall nice especially those pillars design.
Per total I wouldn’t sell it for more than 500-1000 robux because of the lack of details and I don’t think someone would use it in any game. Good luck!
Ok, the easter eggs are : Inside joke dino boy, Beside the cemetary there is a green plushie on the ground on the outside of the cave. If you click the wall infront of it you will find my “inside joke”.
The second one is on the big “mountain” in the middle with the bridge. On the side closest to the temple theres 3 rocks to climb up. There very hard to climb but you will find a very unsatisfying easter.
Is love the temple thing the most personally, it has a really nice blend of materials and color. Looks very very good, and definitely stands out for the rest.
The exterior is a bit bland, you should add some shrubbery and some more depth to the land. I love everything else though.
I’d pay 350 for the white and brick temple alone, probably 700 for the whole map.
FYI, low-poly means a low polygon count. This means using simple shapes with no textures (generally either smooth plastic or neon material for parts). Meshes don’t make a build low-poly. I figured I’d let you know so you avoid future mistakes/embarrassment. Keep on building!
In the sixth screenshot you have some of the wood falling off and some already fell, what you need to do with that is put some cracked wood planks underneath the ones that already fell.