My new cave thingy game


Im here to show you this cave thingy game and honestly, it looks sick.
here’s screenshot:



Is There anyone here? im still waiting… :frowning:

It look alright could use little bit more lighting and a better torch

It just look’s like a rail and a dark room to me.



Thanks for replying!
I though about it and you’re right.
I’ll upgrade torch texture and light it up a little.
Thank You!


You ask for criticism then straight up insult them. They just told their opinion.


Some more screenshots would be nice. The only thing I really see in this picture is a torch with part of a rail.

I think you could either increase the lighting a bit, or share some more screenshots (preferably both).

Also, you should work on how you handle criticism. The way you replied to @Mashed_RAM was uncalled for and immature. I think his criticism was valid, because honestly from the one screenshot you shared with us, it really does just look like a rail in a dark room.


if you’re gonna ask for feedback at least take it into consideration.

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Perhaps have some torches on the wall.
more lighting and screenshots as @1Urge said

And as 3 other people have said please handle criticism better you asked for feedback and you insulted him it was uncalled for and rude.


I wish there were more screenshots, but it looks good, besides the lighting, which was already addressed. I was thinking maybe add some pebbles around the place and maybe make some of the ground look damp ( idk how to do this so it makes sense if you don’t want to make puddles and stuff to make the place look damp.) Also from all I can see the ground looks a little flat, maybe try adding some small layers of rock on top of certain areas in the ground to add to the looks. Wish you well in creating this game.

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Well then, if you can’t take my opinion than that’s your problem. Because that’s litteraly what I see.

Maybe a bit more light here and their, use a better texture for the rails (Don’t if your not going for realism)

And, It’s probably better if next time instead of asking for feedback and begging for it, actualy wait and respect people’s opinions.

Also why you gotta insult him like that, he was just saying that he didn’t see my h cuz you didn’t give much to talk about. More screenshots would be helpful, but insulting him is just not right.

doesn’t look like a cave can use more crystals and ores and veins and stuff and bumps and rocks

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I mean it’s dark, undetailed and you can’t even see the details if there are any. The torch particle is way too block-shaped, and it doesn’t emit enough light to see around the area.

I don’t know what I am supposed to comment on other than that lol.

It’s okay, but needs a lot of improvement.

Caves are dark, but not that dark when a torch is being held like that. I would make the density of the atmosphere a little less severe. Thick dark fog ~= good looking cave.

The railway is a little too basic for it to fit well in the environment. If you’re going for a realistic type of style, I recommend upgrading it to look less then 2 parts sandwiching 3 planks. Also use Metal material for the metal parts of the rail. Foil is not a good look, and doesn’t make much sense.

Try adding other cave elements like sharp rocks and pointy things hanging off rocks, maybe chunks of ore or crystals that glow slightly in the dark.

Other than that, it’s okay for what it is.


As @Vyntrick stated, the track looks like a track at first glance, but the rails sit on top of the ties (the wood Parts) and are usually narrower and taller.
If you are trying to build something that that I’d suggest a quick internet image search. You won’t need to go into the details of the rail spikes and plates, but having a single Part that is more the scale of a real rail would go a long way. And definitely lose the Foil Material.
Also if you want the wood look older make it a little darker/more gray. Old rail ties used to be soaked in creosote which makes them darker.

Yeah, yeah i catch ya all.

ill change rail texture and how the torch looks like (also lighting) i gotta admit it looked terrible.
Thanks for your opinions anyway.
