My new FPS shooter!

Hello! Im making an fps game! The game is almost finished just need to add more maps more guns and a gamepass shop.


Very immersive, but the map isn’t designed too well. Also, make it such, that while holding the gun, the default cursor is hidden. Disable shift lock by default as well.


it looks decent. the glass itself looks very bad though it distracted me very much, maybe you could change that. ui would def make this game look better as well


It’s pretty good, just add crosshair tweening (when you shoot, move, etc), maybe leaning, visible bullets, muzzle flash and more sounds! Also add sprinting


I tried this but for some reason I couldn’t turn the mouse back on after.

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I’ve played this game with a few others and I’ve noticed a few bugs.

  • The bullets do not seem to come out of the barrel of the gun, instead they come out below it. The easiest way to see this is to try and shoot through the holes in the glass in the container ships. You’ll notice the bullets are stopped below the glass rather than going through

  • The kill counter doesn’t work. Neither me nor others had any of our kills registered

  • When the round ends and you fall out of the map, that counts as a death

Aside from those, there are also some glaring issues in more qualitative aspects of the game.

  • The M1911 is weird. The gun looks huge in 3rd person, the ADS animation doesn’t actually have you look down the sights (the camera is slightly above them), and its rate-of-fire is absurdly low for a semi-automatic pistol.

  • The G36C has a very strange magazine capacity. I have not heard of any NATO magazines which have only 15 rounds in them, and if they do exist, they are not in military service. Furthermore, the weapon looks to have a standard capacity magazine (30 rounds) loaded, so this is quite confusing.

  • For both weapons, the empty reloads look the same as those with one in the chamber

There are some other things, but they’re more minor than these. Overall, it’s an okay framework, but there does not seem to be any reason to play this game over most other FPS games on Roblox. I’ll cut off my post there to keep its length down, but if you want more clarification, feel free to ask.

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As my studio is just me, I do thank you so much for the feedback! :smiley:
I will get to work fixing everything you said except the animations as I like them :slight_smile:

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