My new GFX~ First cyclees render

Hello <3 Im tryed to render my work in cycles render mode. Before I used an eevee.
Rate it pls <3

(underground map from sketchfab)


(i think my gfx is soo bright )

It looks pretty nice. I’d give it a 7/10!

Although, the only thing that bugs me is the fact that the character is behind the chairs, completely blocking the view of the character’s body. I think it should either be in front or to completely remove the seats in general.

On a more technical level, I feel like it’s not dark enough. If it’s underground, as you say it is, then it should have much more “restricted” lighting, meaning that it should have only things like artifical lights, for example.

Nice job!


Its cyclees render… lights in this mode doesnt working. (Idk, just i think it. In other render mode lights bright and cool. In this lights doesnt working)


not bad not bad but the choice of player is bad. 6/10

In cycles it’s different, I’m an eevee user so I wouldn’t know what to tell you or what you can do in cycles

I like it but if the character was sitting on the chairs it would look even more cool!

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Just my idea is: Scene girl waving to friend in the underground.

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