TaskMagnet is a free open source library for roblox studio.
The library is called “TaskMagnet” like a magnet would be stick to the player with tasks & connections in it.
And, this means that if the player leaves the game, every tasks related to him will be stopped.
Why is this useful ? ?
Sometimes, when coding a game it, it may happen that you want to create tasks related to the player’s presence. For example, let’s say we want to make a BillboardGui above the player’s head that displays a cooldown of 10 seconds.
So, we’ll make a for loop, and we’ll have to check if the player is still here at every iteration which is not very clean and may cause problems.
To makes things easier, we’ll define a few words before getting into the documentation :
- magnet task : a task related to the player’s presence in game (which means that if the player leaves the task will be canceled)
- magnet connection : a connection related to the player’s presence in game
Documentation :
To attribute a magnet task :
TaskMagnet:AttributeTask(player, taskName, function)
To stop a magnet task :
TaskMagnet:CancelTask(player, taskName)
To attribute a magnet connection :
TaskMagnet:AttributeConnection(player, connName, conn)
To cancel a magnet connection :
TaskMagnet:CancelConnection(player, connName)
To download the module, you can get it from the Roblox’s Creator Marketplace or get it from the github repo.
If you would like to do any PR, please add a .md file that explains the changes.
I hope this module is gonna be helpful to some of you reading this, and it is the first one I publish so everything may not be perfect but I tried by best to makes things as clear as possible. If you have any feedback/suggestion tell me.