My New POS System

Disclaimer: Some models (physical enviroment models) are from toolbox and not made by me, the model rights solely belong to them and I do not take any credit from them

Here is a video to Summarize my system (Some of the parts in the system is Turkish, but there is nothing a little translate cant solve :wink:

This is also my SmartPhone project which can be checked from here (Its a little bit outdated, I added alot of features like a GPS System for my road in my game!)

Please give your feedback. This system can be easily tweaked and customized. For example you can add your own company details or even a menu to sell tools. What you imagine is in one point


I may sell it in the future, but im keeping as closed source right now to prevent stealers :sweat_smile:

This Project is a part of qAnalytic systems and terms apply


That seems great!

But, just to make sure, can you show that icons of payment on the model?
Because I’m sure you don’t own or have any relation with them. (Or the icons are just for showcase in the video)

By the way, what do you mean by that?

You storage all player’s account public info and public/private messages.

So if someone play one of your games, you can at anytime see the private messages of a player (that can be personal) and know who sent them, and you even show ads related to the activity and purshase history?

That can’t be a little… bad for player’s privacy?
You can get private messages, know who wrote then, and use the information for ads, that you didn’t said if the ads are yours or if you sell/give private information for others companies.

Considering this is a platform for all ages, including kids, this is really bad for privacy protection.

(I’m not saying this is against the rules or something like that, I didn’t even check, it’s just my personal opinion)

The Icons in the Idle screen (when there isnt anything going on) is completely decorational.

For your privacy concerns:

We use the chat data (ingame) to offer you special discounts in our games (by our games I mean games with qAnalytic services in it)

We also use the user data to make a statistic of our games. The amount of premium/non-premium users or average time spent. Mostly purchased in game purchases. Account ages. Devices. Chat topics (to make the shop related to topic ex. If you talk about Colors, a Shirt which has been identified Colorful, appears in the shop) Join and leaves, Which user spends time at where? The region of the user. The time of entrance (using the region info of the user). Friends of the user.

For a demonstration what the ad system looks like: qShop Smart shopping system
(this is a outdated version)

Do not forget, this is solely to make your game experience better. You can always request your data to be deleted. To do so please make a DMCA Request and we will get in touch with you.

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