My New Racing Game!

Hey! I’ve recently released a racing game onto Roblox called RoStock Racing, and I am looking for some feedback on the game.

It is a general stock car racing game where you can currently race in one of two modes.

Quick Race: More realistic, skilled base. Aimed towards smaller audience.
Backstretch Battle: More arcade, fun and low skill component. Mainly luck based. Aimed towards higher audience.

This is one of the few games of its kind in the American Stock Car Racing Community on Roblox. But there are a few problems on why games like this tend to fail. And I am looking for some help on what I could do to avoid my game from flopping.

1.Its a multiplayer game. This is a big one. If somebody joins the game and there is nobody else playing, the game is no longer fun. Once you remove the competitive aspect, the game/player is not achieving much.
2. Small community. The Stock car racing community is really small. And there are a TON of games. So it is really hard to enter the stage.

TLDR: Racing game, two modes. Quick Race: realistic. Backstretch Battle: Arcade. Few issues with getting my game recognized. Small racing community.

So anyways, there is my game. Please consider trying it out. If you do, tell me what you think about it. Thank you!

Should I separate the modes into two different games?
  • YES
  • NO

0 voters


It’s definitely a basic game. I like NASCAR, but there are some bugs in the game.

The place counter on the right doesn’t properly work, I don’t believe it counts which lap you’re on and sees which person you’re behind or in front of. I was on lap 4/5 and others were on 2-3/5 and it said I was 3rd, when in reality I should’ve been 1st.

Also some things to suggest:
Make overtaking easier. By having the ability of the car spin out easier, since it currently seems nearly impossible to do so.

Make acceleration better. Currently you’re pretty much stuck at around 229, unless you’re doing a turn and whatnot, it decreases. Make it so that acceleration is easier to get, possible not lock it at 229, but slowly gets above that with time and persistency.

All the cars are numbered “22”, should definitely randomize it. Not sure if there was a garage section where people can choose their own car, but if there isn’t then it should definitely be there!

Good luck!

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The game feels like I am in a type of MeepCity Racing game, which is kinda cool, however, the architecture of the game is unfortunately poor in the two-game modes and do not have any type of objects that can make the cars go faster, “trap” your “opponents” while racing, basically not too many things to make the game interesting.


After analyzing the two game modes of the game, Quick Race and Backstretch Battle, both of them have poor architecture and can make the player bored…

Backstretch Battle: I didn’t find arcade fun while playing the 3 different maps. All of them are just a long straight road with some little things to try at least make the player feel a bit fun such as Wedge parts in the map “Jumps” and an ice road on the map “Snow”.

Quick Race: Not realistic… The design of this race mode is equal for the 2 different maps (Bristol Dirt and Bristol) except for one, which is Daytona, different style but long:

The difference between Quick and Backstretch is the design and the laps you need to pass. Quick 5/7 laps and Backstretch 1 laps.

Car Model:

The car seems to be a model that you took from Roblox Studio but with a little texture:

It is difficult to control him in parts where you would need to spin…

There are also some little issues like the place counter… etc, etc…


After a pretty long analysis of the game + modes, here’s what you can make it better:

  • Starting the first suggestion is to create a fun intro with NPCs racing on the maps and make Interfaces with a unique style to make the user that joined the game feel like “Hmmm… Sounds cool this game!”. Not only different styles but also more stuff such as a garage section, just like what @AbuMuASin said. If you do not know how to create a unique User Interface (aka UI), I recommend you watch a YouTuber by the name “GFX Comet”.

  • Redesign the start areas of the two modes (Quick Race and Backstretch Battle) by putting some buildings, an audience, and NPCs as mechanics that you can interact with them and returning to a specific map, have an animation showing them fixing some issues inside of your car.

  • Since you, @SpeedySanikJr, wanted to make a type of Mario Kart game, how about you put some flying cubes that have different items inside that can power up the car (making fast/slow) and can make traps for others that are behind you? It would be interesting! However, do not put a banana or any type of item that is referring to Mario’s game, you can get DMCA for that.

  • Create a scene that shows the first 3 winners that won a race in the specific modes + an animated UI that shows your cash growing up.

And to finish this feedback,

  • Create more car models with different “skills”.

That’s everything! The game has the potential to be good, but needs to have a team that can have the ability to create realistic and unique ideas, making an innovative game!

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Sorry to revive this topic. This game has now been covered by numerous content creators, youtubers, twitch streamers, and more. It now has 1.3M+ visits with 400 concurrent players, and nearly 10,000 players. Marvelous job to the developers for somehow pulling this off, congrats!

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Oh yeah, lots has changed. It is amazing how this hame became so popular.

Ive moved on for now to start another (hopefully successful) project.


Is your game pc supported, controller supported?

It is supported on pc, mobile, tablet, and console

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Awesome! I will give it a try.

Thanks for the update.

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