Hello! I’ve just recreated my entire road system in my map to include a few roads and a highway. My curves are made by duplicating parts to make the road turn.
After finishing the road system (without adding any road markings or signs), I tried testing my game and it took first of all, a long time to load. It was also very laggy.
I also made sure all the parts are anchored, including parts inside models.
Does anyone have any suggestions when it comes to making my game less laggy for builds? I’m not very experienced in building so I don’t know how to load these parts and making the game performance playable.
Instead of using unions, you’re better off using meshes and delete extra polygons. You should also use basic collisions with Meshes unless you really need accurate collisions. Another way to optimize your build is to turn off CastShadow and Collision (CanCollide along with CanTouch and CanQuery) in parts that don’t need it.
unions, meshes, parts all have the same amount of vertices, if you convert 10 parts with 8 vertices each to a union it would still have 80 vertices, same if you export to obj
Unless there are inner geometry, which then you could remove using blender
I had made a model on roblox which had over 6k triangles. Remaking a similar model on blender and only 20 or so