My new Showcase game

I’ve been working on it pretty fast (1 hour or so)
And I’ve enjoyed building this
you can play this here Torii (Showcase) READ DESC - Roblox

Any thoughts would be appreciated!


This is nice and peaceful. I love the background audio. I find it quite therapeutic too.


To describe it in one word,


it’s nice but the Japanese ( I don’t know the word for it) tapestry? Is quite basic and you should add more to the game if possible

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Thank you so much!!!

This game is really beautiful. I really like how you added a splash at the end when the water hits the island, just how on how waves do. I would maybe add some more Japanese styled building rather than just put one, because the player wouldn’t know what he’s seeing with just one model. I really think you did a swell job in this and I was amazed!

I found some grass floating above the water with no ground attached to it, so maybe try to fix that, and I also noticed that you can float above the ground when you’re standing in the water. Screenshot below!

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Hey there,
I really like the showcase you have put together!

However, I have found a bug. The camera seems to be glitching when in first person mode, which is a camera view I personally go into (and probably quite a few others) quite frequently.

That aside, it’s amazing. Thanks for allowing feedback on the game!

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Thank you, yeah i can’t remove the grass, i tried to add another island and i removed that and the grass stays there.

fixed that! thanks for notifying me

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