My newest game (Obby)

I am working on an obby there are different modes, easy, medium and hard. You go through easy- medium-hard. The hard stages have not been finished but I would love some feedback on what has been done so far. Thanks! Jams Obby


Nice game! The stages have a nice theme as well. Maybe adding some music would be great!

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Thank you for your feedback, I will look into doing that. Also I will be adding other things.

Sounds great! There is a useful tutorial on the forums about making a pretty good music system It shows how to make a now playing and mute button as well. :wink:

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As I was mentioning to you in game, there is a small space in between the colored part of the columns you jump on. Like this:

Use GapFill or ResizeAlign to fix this, those are two good plugins that are game changers.

Also, some of the clouds used as platforms to jump on should be rotated so they don’t look like duplicates of each other.

Last thing, the red stage has materials that make it more mid ploy - however, the rest of the stages are low poly textures. Either make all of the mid poly or make the red stage low poly for consistency.

Looks good so far, just add what you told me you would add in game (GUIs, music) and maybe what I have suggested to make it epic :sunglasses:


Cool game! but you should turn cancollide to false for killbricks or turn r6 on because the player can jump on them without dying :smiley: :+1:


Checkpoints are extremely buggy work on fixing that please.

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Thank you for the feedback! I will work on that.

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