I’m currently workin on a DBD inspired game with my other developer, though we’ve come into an issue. My friend made an animation for sprinting, however only he can see it, and to anybody else it gives the Sanitization ID error, the game is under a group and the animation is uploaded under that group, and we are using rbxAssetId. Does anybody know how this error could be fixed? Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
How long ago was the animation uploaded? Have you rejoined studio since then?
It was uploaded last night, and yes i have reopened studio since
That is because the animation isnt uploaded to the group if your using a group, or the owner of the games account
if you look back the the original post i alr said that it was uploaded under the group
Maybe try re-uploading the animation? (new animID)
This issue is common and there doesn’t seem to be a comprehensive solution. The error itself is vague and honestly should be expanded to have more info. Because staff haven’t responded historically to these issues, it also means there’s speculation on what actually causes the issue.
Here’s a list of possible things:
- Roblox could’ve been down (API or some system) for a brief moment when uploading, loading, etc.
- The animation has been moderated without notice to group/individuals (?)
- The animation had an issue loading when in-game (?)
- The animation is not owned by the group (seems to not be your issue based on what you describe)
- Existing bug/issue here (I assume you’re using Team Create, more info in link)
- Other Studio or Engine bug
If you want to report officially (which I recommend), here’s a quick guide:
Join the @AllowBugReports group by clicking the Request button at this link: Bug reporting - Developer Forum | Roblox. After you are accepted, press this button to report your issue:
Most report the bug under #bug-reports:engine-bugs.
Hope all that helps!