My pathfinding Ai gets stuck on nothing

My pathfinding Ai gets stuck for no reason. I suspect it has something to do with the PathParams.

local function getPath(destination)
local agentHeight = Ai.HumanoidRootPart.Size.Y + 0.05
local agentRadius = math.max(Ai.HumanoidRootPart.Size.X, Ai.HumanoidRootPart.Size.Z) / 2 + 0.2

local pathParams = {
[“AgentHeight”] = agentHeight,
[“AgentRadius”] = agentRadius,
[“AgentCanJump”] = true,
[“WaypointSpacing”] = 1.5
local path = PathfindingServices:CreatePath(pathParams)

path:ComputeAsync(Ai.HumanoidRootPart.Position, destination.Position)

return path

Here are some examples:

I think only showing pictures might not give us a clear idea on why it is stuck. Can you try to record a video of the issue happening? You can also try to create a function that visualizes the waypoints of a path so we can understand how Pathfinding service is computing the path.

Try searching other pathfinding posts. I’m pretty sure I read in one that if a waypoint takes longer than 8(?) seconds to reach the NPC will stop.


I’m pretty sure it would be documented by Roblox if this were true. Maybe it was left undocumented. There most likely is still a underlying cause for @VitaRedux0 ‘s problem

Try increasing your AgentHeight and AgentRadius

It is.

Humanoid | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

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Huh. I must’ve not read that before. Alright, thanks for the correction.