Hi everyone! I have just finished making myself a banner for my twitter & I wanted your feedback on how my banner is!
Thank you for reading this topic everybody & have a great day!
Hi everyone! I have just finished making myself a banner for my twitter & I wanted your feedback on how my banner is!
Thank you for reading this topic everybody & have a great day!
I’m not going to lie, I actually like this, It is very eye catching and very colorful especially since there are a lot of kids in on Roblox, this would definitely grab their attention.
Cute, Are they clones? (30charss)
Yes they are & thank you for your feedback
Cool GFX but maybe change the Background of it ( of course you dont have to its just my opinion
Wow, I really like that I bet if you continue making these you could get somewhere!
I like it! Maybe you could change the 2 clones in the background so they look different but still your style. It’s not bad, but I feel like it makes the image look a little awkward to me.
I love
it. You should find groups to hire you, you’d cash out, like, for real.
That looks great! Make more, this could be your roblox profession.
The purple is insanely nice, a good choice
I really like this, this is probably one of your best gfx creations, one thing to work on is the text, I would recommend using a different font and not using a glow effect on it