My Pivot thing in studio is messed up

Ok so yesterday I was building and everything is normal. Now I go on today and idk why this is happening. So Like whenever I click a part or rotate it the pivot is lined up with the outlined box around the part. But for some reason now its not. It just stays in 1 angle when I rotate a part. Even when i try to use pivot editor nothing changes.

Here’s some screenshots to help explain what I mean:

Ok so it looks normal here right?

Ok now I rotate the part… What happened?

Now I try to use Pivot Editor… Looks normal so far…

Now I go out of Pivot Editor annnnd nothing happened…

Idk why this is happening, but I can’t build with it like this and I have 3 games to work on so if you know how to fix it please tell me.


Pressing Ctrl+L should fix this issue. :crown:


now i feel stupid that it was that simple… lol


You’re him ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

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