My PopUp Module | Easy to use!

You can get my pop-up module for free! :comet:
I’m waiting for your opinions/suggestions. (and also bugs if you find)


— — — — — — USAGE — — — — — —

  • Sending pop-up on local.
    (you can send from server using: “Everyone”, “SelectedPlayers” and “ExceptPlayers” functions.
	"hello!", -- popup message,1,1), -- text color
	3, -- popup duration
	{"Fade","Fade"}, -- transition in/out type
	properties -- properties table.
  • Properties table:
local properties = { 
	["Font"] = Enum.Font.GothamBlack, -- default font is "Fredoka One"
	["StrokeColor"] =, 0.45, 0.65), -- default is a bit darker color of the pop-up color
	["Gradient"] = {Color = ColorSequence, Rotation = 90}, -- use custom gradient
	["Sound"] = game.SoundService:FindFirstChild("your_popup_sound"), -- plays sound when sending pop up
  • Setting up default transition.

That is cool!

Thanks for sharing!

Can you attach a .rbxl file so we can play with it easy!

Can you add an option so it pops up while doing a typewriter effect?

Also maybe different ways of closing the text?.. like random letters disappear, letters disappear from left to right, or right to left…

Maybe even a fade away…

Perhaps a like curtain closing from top to bottom, (window shade)

Another idea, a twisting twirl fade away…

Thinking a granular color changing tween

A setting for a slower scrolling up… like movie credits

Text Whooooshes away to the right…


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To be honest, I like this.

There is definitely room for a little more customization.

I love it!, suggestion : add a position parameter where the text will pop up (or a setting to change the default position of where the pop ups texts will appear)

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You can actually change it, pop ups appear on a frame so you can move it wherever you want.

Plus, if you go to tutorial video and skip to 1:22, you can see transition types. (that can help if you changed the popup position)


This pop-up module is a game changer. I love this!