My portfolio [ USD only ]

About Me

Hey hey! I’m an experienced scripter of 4 years. I’ve worked on multiple games, survival, roleplay, and even high quality obby games! I very experienced with datastore, module scripts, and user interface. My services are flexible to your needs, and I typically am able to deliver on products I’m asked for


Here are some screenshots of my work :slight_smile:


I am available to work up to six hours on sunday, monday, tuesday and thursday. I’m unavailable to work other days due to school and family related activities. I only do short-term work as my schedule prevents me from joining a more long-term job.


Prices are negotiable, I accept either hourly pay or per asset. My preferred payment method is USD. I am now accepting robux for tasks.


You can contact me here on discord @bluestar had#9999

Thanks for reading! :grin:


Hello it says you are only adding people. I am interested in working with you.

My discord is basketball#6503

And yes I can do usd

Add me on discord StanBoy#4594

Add me on Discord please. AdamP#0001

Your title says USD only but you mention that you accept Robux. I hope this helps you get more clients.