My Prison Life map feedback

I’m making a map that is a copy of Prison Life called LIFE PRISON (joking lol) but I want feedback and ideas.

  • What are you attempting to achieve?
    Help and feedback about making the map.

Here is some photos:

Inside the prison(I confess that I don’t like it so much):



I love it! I love especially how it keeps the 2013-2014 style and doesn’t go to the modern day styles!


Yea man this so great! :smiley:

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thanks! i think the secret of making 2013 style is making simple.

Thanks! do you have some ideas?

If you like you can put some dynamic lights with traffic lights as well.

You can also add bloom effect if you know how to edit it, if you can’t then it is ok

Yes! I will put traffic lights with one script in SSS that will be something like:

while true do
. if game.Lighting.ClockTime > 18 or game.Lighting.ClockTime < 7 then
. . for I, v in pairs(*Light Folder here*) do
. . . v.Material = "Neon"
. . . v.Light.Enabled = true
. . end
. else
. . for I, v in pairs(*Light Folder here*) do
. . . v.Material = "plastic"
. . . v.Light.Enabled = false
. . end
. end
. wait(10)

Great did it work? If so then your game will be great hopefully XD

I didn’t putted it yet xD but i’m making it right now!

I finished the street lighting!

IMO looks much better than the prison life map so far, to be fair @Aesthetical hasn’t really updated in years.

anyways, i love the build. it makes me miss being an 8-year-old even more. great work, keep it up!

Very very very great :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck: