My Proudest Creations

Hello there!

This is a list of my most recent and updated creations, it does not include games I’m currently working that are not public, but I’m still proud of most of them :grin:

Thoughts or feedback is appreciated, thanks!

I love this one, mainly because it’s kind of my dream house filled with stuff I like. People often don’t figure out there are multiple floors, but just go out the front door and use the elevator, they’re worth seeing!

This game and group was founded by me in 2017, I gave it up just this past January because it was too time-consuming and I was nearing the end of junior year in college. It’s entirely scripted by me, and unless otherwise stated, the maps are also built by me.

Heh. Funny mushroom man.

This game is quality. You should play it for a group game night.