My punch animation

Hello, today I worked on a punch animation that was made in blender. VIDEO:

If you have any criticism to say, don’t forget to comment on my post. Hope u have a good day! :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s not a punch animation, it’s just bending over to touch its knee (even tho r6 avatars don’t have knees)
Don’t make him go down too much, and make leg move less forward

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I didn’t make him go down too much and If I make the legs move less forward the legs will slide. Sliding is unrealistic. It’s a punch animation, you really don’t see the arm punching?

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No, I can see it fine, but make the arm stop after a point and not just boop the knee

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So, I have to move my feet less, that’s what are you saying?

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no, make the arm stop before it hits the knee

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I fix it, here!

What do you think? Is It better?

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I guess, but it could use a little work.

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Very clean! Realistic! Good Job.


But is it good enough or you recommend me to add some modifications?

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I disagree. if an animation isnt exxagerated enough it looks terrible, especially for r6 avatars and their lack of bends


personally i think the punch seems very overdrawn and the r15 rig would be smoother and more visually appealing to work with but heed this isn’t objective criticism the quality of the animation still seems adequate


I’d say second one is better, but keep the left arm moving right towards the end of the animation.

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If R6 animation are hard to animate its because the body of the part aren’t realistic, I mean a realistic leg must have two parts like r15 legs but r6 legs just have one part. So the animation I did wasn’t easy especially the legs.

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I know this is an old post, but I have to say I love this animation!