I have a script for buying a fushion and it doesn’t work I can only buy 1 fushion and that’s it I don’t know what the problem is help me fix it
local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local ranks = require(game:GetService("ServerStorage").FusionsModule)
local function buy(player)
local ownedRanks = {}
local tp = player["TotalPower"]
for _, rank in pairs(ranks) do
if rank["Owned"] then
table.insert(ownedRanks, rank)
local bestRank = ownedRanks[#ownedRanks]
local nextRank = ranks["Fusion"..bestRank.rank + 1]
if nextRank then
if tp.Value >= nextRank.Price then
player.Strength.Value = 0
player.Psp.Value = 0
player.Endurance.Value = 0
local newBest = nextRank
player.leaderstats.Fusion.Value = newBest.Name
player.BestFusion.FusionMulti.Value = newBest.Multi
This script is located in the server script service and is responsible for the purchase
local fusions = {}
fusions.Fusion1 = {Name="None", Price=0, Multi=1, Owned= true, rank=1}
fusions.Fusion2 = {Name="Werewolf", Price=500, Multi=2, Owned= false, rank=2}
fusions.Fusion3 = {Name="Minotaur", Price=1000, Multi=4, Owned= false, rank=3}
fusions.Fusion4 = {Name="Dog", Price=5000, Multi=8, Owned= false, rank=4}
fusions.Fusion5 = {Name="Lola", Price=10000, Multi=16, Owned= false, rank=5}
return fusions
And this is a function module in the server storage script
Help me fix it, I don’t know what the problem is
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
local Buy = script.Parent.Parent.BuyFusion
local priceLabel = script.Parent.Parent.Cost_Title
local boostLabel = script.Parent.Parent.YourBoost
local yourFusionLabel = script.Parent.Parent.YourClass_Title
local nextBoostLabel = script.Parent.Parent.NextBoostText
local nextFusionTitleLabel = script.Parent.Parent.NextClass_Title
local price2 = script.Parent.Parent.PriceText
local nextFusionLabel = script.Parent.Parent.NextClassName2
local yourfusionname = script.Parent.Parent.ClassNameText
-- Таблицы с данными о фушионах и бустах
local fusionData = {
{name = "Werewolf", price = 500, boost = 2},
{name = "Minotaur", price = 1000, boost = 4},
{name = "Dog", price = 5000, boost = 8},
{name = "Lola", price = 10000, boost = 16}
-- Функция для получения текущего и следующего фушиона
local function getCurrentAndNextFusion(currentFusion)
for i, fusion in ipairs(fusionData) do
if fusion.name == currentFusion then
local nextFusion = fusionData[i + 1]
return fusion, nextFusion
return nil, nil
-- Начальное значение текущего фушиона
local currentFusion = "Werewolf" -- Замените на текущее значение фушиона
-- Обработчик нажатия кнопки
local currentFusionData, nextFusionData = getCurrentAndNextFusion(currentFusion)
if currentFusionData then
price2.Text = "Price: " .. currentFusionData.price .. " price"
boostLabel.Text = "💪: x" .. currentFusionData.boost
yourfusionname.Text = "Your Fusion: " .. currentFusionData.name -- Изменение на показ фушиона игрока
if nextFusionData then
nextBoostLabel.Text = "Next Boost: x" .. nextFusionData.boost
nextFusionLabel.Text = "Next Fusion: " .. nextFusionData.name
nextFusionLabel.Text = nextFusionData.name
nextBoostLabel.Text = "Next Boost: MAX"
nextFusionTitleLabel.Text = "Next Fusion: MAX"
nextFusionLabel.Text = "MAX"
-- Обновление текущего фушиона на следующий
currentFusion = nextFusionData and nextFusionData.name or currentFusion
-- Вызываем событие на сервере для покупки
This is a script for buying a fushion
Please make your edits in the post, and don’t comment the edits. This is mentioned in the DevForum’s rules.
Edit: You should type your post fully completed before posting it. It’s a good habit to have.
I think the script is bugged or deprecated, maybe.
No errors, output is clean Doesn’t show
ЭThis is still relevant and I need help
Please keep your sentences in one post.
Is your script disabled?
Which one exactly? I didn’t understand what script you’re talking about.
He doesn’t listen. I gave him a great demonstration of how module scripts work yesterday and he was using profanity to demand people to help him and complaining that my place looks “weird and strange” when all it was is 2 scripts and the default baseplate to show how to use modules. Thankfully dev forum moderation has been on top of him. Just flag it when you see him breaking the rules.
You were offended because I couldn’t open your file and wrote strangely because strangely it didn’t open
I can work with modular scripts, I meant complex scripts like yesterday’s
This is still relevant, I haven’t found any errors and I don’t know what the problem is.
This is relevant, I still don’t know how to fix it