My Pushable Door Isn't Very Pushable [Need Help With Hinges]

I built a door, using a few tutorials for the hingeconstraint, it connect the door with a part right above it. However, the door does not push well. How might I fix this?

robloxapp-20220525-1544127.wmv (2.4 MB)

EDIT: Not sure if this changes anything, but everything is anchored except the door and everything is cancollide on.

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Can you show where your hinge attachments are located, and a screen capture of the hinge properties please?

When you show the attachments, click on the attachment so we can see that they are facing the right way. But more importantly is the properties of the hinge constraint.

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Your door might be colliding with the wall… try to make the wall noncollide to test this out… if its moving freely, then you need to give your door some room to swing open on the edge there.

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thanks! that seemed to work. now all ive oughtta do is make a little noncollide piece of the wall.

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In addition, do you know how to make the door go back to it’s original position automatically? That would be really helpful.

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Without scripting this hinge’s behavior i dont believe so…

Edit: nvm, i added a video below that uses springs to shut the door.

do you know how to script that?

I would have to think how to do it.

Here you go, check this out… u can use springs to shut the door:

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