My Roblox avatar appearance won't load into games

Reproduction Steps

Repro steps:

  1. Be logged in as NewFissy (or someone else who is experiencing this bug)
  2. Open studio
  3. Create a Baseplate place
  4. Load in and notice character is not wearing Roblox avatar clothes/accessories

Intel(R) Core™ i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz, 16GB RAM, Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630

Expected Behavior

My Roblox avatar should load:

Actual Behavior

My avatar doesn’t load:

Also experiencing this in game in a live server:

Also experiencing this in Adopt Me, live server (we use GetCharacterAppearanceInfoAsync):


I haven’t tried changing my avatar on the website in case there’s a caching bug that y’all wanted to check before I do that. But it’s possible that wearing something new on avatar would fix this issue

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Low
Frequency: Constantly


some time ago, i sometimes turn into a noob with r6 (in studio), and my name was always Player for some reason, now it doesnt happen anymore and im just posting this because i think this is (kinda) related

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Sometimes when I enter Studio it happens to me and once it gave me the name of Unknow+ something I don’t remember but on a public server sometimes the avatar is loaded as a noob in R15

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I think the error is from roblox some users like Roblox or builderman included in Roblox Studio have nothing on

But it seems that they are the avatars that have not changed since a long time like @Shedletsky and @Roblox

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This has been happening to me for the past few days as well. It’s not 100% of the time but it’s still pretty common. Sometimes my character appearance just fails to load and I spawn in as a default classic noob. This happens both in live games and in studio.


Additionally, I’m not sure if this is related or not, but respawning has been taking an unusually long time in live games (not in studio). I usually have to wait around 3.5 seconds longer than Players.RespawnTime before my character will actually respawn.

I published a baseplate and recorded the results from me resetting my character a bunch of times:


Have you tried switching into another character, then your main one again? As @lordanpacioioiu has shown it seems like this may be an issue with avatars that have not been changed in a few years.

I can also reproduce with not seeing what you’re wearing.

You can see that @John Doe’s avatar has not been changed since 2017, and it has the same result.

@ROBLOX has the same result as well

But, my avatar has what I’m wearing

Same with @CelestialBodiez

And for a last example, @/Rockdetboy, who has changed their avatar slightly recently, but not 2017.

How long have you been wearing that avatar for? If it’s 2017 or older, than that’s probably why.


This is an unrelated bug, this bug occurs when Roblox fails to fetch your character appearance from the web-apis, this really can’t be solved by Roblox.

This bug occurs every-time their character appearance is loaded (and seemingly with every function that loads character appearance) so resetting will not help.

I think it’s best to leave these sort of investigations to the engineers.


Yeah I realize that now I misread the original post :man_facepalming:t3:

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This seems to be (mostly) fixed now, at least for me. When I made my original reply, it seemed to be failing for around 65% of character spawns. Now it almost never fails.

The respawn delay is still happening in all games though.

Thank you for the report! We filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll come back with updates! Thanks.


Been a while and this bug still occurs - any update?

Seeing others respawning 2-3x faster than I am is really frustrating; it makes any kind of competitive game where you die often (such as an obby, sword fight, etc.) completely unfair. It’s on every game and not related to poor hardware or internet connection.

The noob avatar has been showing up less but it’s still around periodically.

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