My Roblox Code Theme


local json =
    [[{"Background Color":[35,39,46],"Selection Color":[171,178,191],"Selection Background Color":[61,69,85],"Error Color":[194,64,56],"Warning Color":[209,154,102],"Find Selection Background Color":[66,85,123],"Matching Word Background Color":[61,69,85],"Whitespace Color":[171,178,191],"Current Line Highlight Color":[35,39,46],"Ruler Color":[55,60,68],"Bracket Color":[171,178,191],"Text Color":[224,108,117],"Operator Color":[171,178,191],"Number Color":[209,154,102],"String Color":[152,195,121],"Comment Color":[127,132,142],"Bool Color":[209,154,102],"\"nil\" Color":[209,154,102],"Function Name Color":[97,175,239],"\"function\" Color":[198,120,221],"\"local\" Color":[198,120,221],"\"self\" Color":[229,192,123],"Luau Keyword Color":[224,108,117],"Keyword Color":[198,120,221],"Built-in Function Color":[86,182,194],"\"TODO\" Color":[224,108,117],"Method Color":[97,175,239],"Property Color":[224,108,117]}]]
local theme = game.HttpService:JSONDecode(json)
local studio = settings().Studio
for name, color in pairs(theme) do
    color = Color3.fromRGB(color[1], color[2], color[3])
    local success =
            studio[name] = color
    if not success then
        warn(("%s is not a valid theme color"):format(name))
print("Successfully changed your Script Editor theme!")

This is a code theme extracted using rbxtheme. Copy and paste this code in your console to get this theme.


And how would you revert this change? (with code, not in settings)

Screen Shot 2022-05-17 at 11.53.34 AM

Screen Shot 2022-05-17 at 11.54.21 AM

I think @koyugaki wants to know how to revert the setting with code…

I’m debating on if I should ruin my current script settings for this… hmmmm

Screen Shot 2022-05-17 at 8.21.09 PM

You don’t have to, you can edit one of these and they will save as their own profile.


Yeah, I know about custom script editor settings, I was referring to reverting the change with code in the command bar, but never mind.

Is this your module or are you just sharing your own theme?


how do i get these spacers?

nevermind it’s show whitespace, cool resource btw

It’s my vs code theme extracted from VS-Code. Atom One Dark [DARKER]. As for the system and creator, linked the GitHub page.

It’s also just a lighter version of back ground color

how do you use this? does it still work? i installed the package but i dont know what to do now


Install the package globally to get access to the rbxtheme command.

$ npm install -g rbxtheme # Or $ yarn global add rbxtheme

Then you can view the list of all the available themes.

$ rbxtheme list

After picking a theme, run it through rbxtheme to convert it into a command that you can run from Roblox Studio.

$ rbxtheme convert "SynthWave '84"
Copy/paste this command into the command bar in Studio to set your Script Editor theme

local json = [[{"Background Color":[38,35,53],"Selection Color":[255,255,255],"Selection Background Color":[65,63,78],"Error Color":[254,68,80],"Warning Color":[99,200,158],"Find Selection Background Color":[163,108,30],"Matching Word Background Color":[65,63,78],"Whitespace Color":[212,211,215],"Current Line Highlight Color":[38,35,53],"Ruler Color":[100,54,112],"Bracket Color":[255,255,255],"Text Color":[255,126,219],"Operator Color":[254,222,93],"Number Color":[249,126,114],"String Color":[255,139,57],"Comment Color":[132,139,189],"Bool Color":[249,126,114],"\"nil\" Color":[249,126,114],"Function Name Color":[54,249,246],"\"function\" Color":[254,222,93],"\"local\" Color":[254,222,93],"\"self\" Color":[254,68,80],"Luau Keyword Color":[255,126,219],"Keyword Color":[254,222,93],"Built-in Function Color":[54,249,246],"\"TODO\" Color":[255,126,219],"Method Color":[54,249,246],"Property Color":[255,126,219]}]] local theme = game.HttpService:JSONDecode(json) local studio = settings().Studio for name, color in pairs(theme) do color = Color3.fromRGB(color[1], color[2], color[3]) local success = pcall(function() studio[name] = color end) if not success then warn(("%s is not a valid theme color"):format(name)) end end print("Successfully changed your Script Editor theme!")

# Use the --copy flag to have the command copied to your clipboard
$ rbxtheme convert --copy "SynthWave '84"
Theme copied to clipboard. Paste it into the command bar in Studio to change your Script Editor theme.

yeah i was able to do it with windows terminal, thanks for making this by the way, very good :+1: