My Roblox Experience keeps crashing for users with no known cause

Ye I think I have a large issue.

My MemoryUsage It 9600 MB
My CoreMemory is 4938 MB

I am unsure what next to do


Can you link the game that is crashing?


You should be able to join

What does your Studio sit at for memory usage inside Task Manager?
Want to know if this is a loading memory spike or a model issue.

9000 MB Studio
3000 MB Roblox

I have joined game now

That’s what it does every so often to all users separately at different times

Alright, within’ studio could you run this within’ your command line?

local PartTotal = 0

for _, Part in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
if Part:IsA("BasePart") then
PartTotal += 1

print("TOTAL PARTS: ", PartTotal)

yep sure can for you. Its been a new game its huge

The Total is 73114 For that. So Minorly Large

Alright here’s an idea.
Within’ the properties of workspace.
At the very bottom there should be a checkbox for “StreamingEnabled” turn that on.

Default Settings on the Streaming Enabled?

I’d test it at current settings.
If it gets bad lower the StreamingTargetRadius.

Done And Published if you wanted to join

I’ve had Roblox crash like that too about 2 weeks ago. But for me it had something to do with animations. I don’t think this helps but I think it could add to the conversation.

Ye Its just this game and no animations are in game

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This may be script related, could you please disable all LocalScripts and server scripts?

Vehicle aswell? Is that in everywhere even serverstorage

I don’t think Vehicle is doing anything so I’d leave that on for now.

Ok give me 30 seconds and it will be published

All Good Re-join game disabled all local and server