My Roblox keeps crashing randomly without error

I’ve been having an issue with Roblox for the past 4 months and I’ve tried so many things only for it to not work and only make things more annoying for myself.

However, Roblox Studio does not have issues.

Roblox keeps crashing seemingly out of nowhere and just freezes for a second and closes. I have an RTX 2070 super with good specs but somehow still keep crashing.

I have also been having issues with blue screening but I haven’t had any of that this week so I’m unsure if it’s fixed or not via one of my solutions.

I also seem to crash more often in Roblox games that use more of my computer’s performance. However, it’s just at completely random times.

I have no problems playing or using other games and apps, but Roblox is like a kryptonite for my PC for some reason.

I’ve tried:

  • Restarting my PC
  • Restarting my modem
  • Updating my drivers
  • Reinstalling Roblox
  • Deleting the duplicate update Roblox files
  • Reinstalling the Oculus app
  • Clearing Roblox Data
  • Uninstalling other Roblox apps

I am entirely stumped, annoyed, and frustrated. I cannot fix this and need help. I hate having Roblox crash whenever I’m trying to play games.

I have had someone tell me it’s Oculus, but I reinstalled it only to have the same issue again.

Please help.


Update: Just found out it still blue screens :unamused:

Blue screen error: DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION (hard drive corruption)

if your pc bluescreens, its nothing to do with roblox, but your pc running out of recourses/memory to run.


  • ram below requirements
  • v-ram below requirements
  • proccesing power below requirements

so, knowing you still blue screen often and still crash just indicates that your hardware is certainly faulty.

The DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION (hard drive corruption) is a pretty good indication to confirm your issue besides the one i just listed above.

You could;

  • either manually clear your hard drive and reinstall windows.
  • try to reinstall windows it self on your current hard drive (this might not fully clear corrupted system files, but totally worth a shot).
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an admin stated virtualization tech causes crashes

the BSOD is something you need to check out at a tech repair shop tho

Thanks for the replies, but I have since found out it’s actually due to a certain app I had that interfered with Roblox’s system (likely the VR system). Unfortunately I don’t know which one because I removed several and restarted the PC.

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