My Roblox Studio has been experiencing major lag out of nowhere

Recently, I was making my game and it was running perfectly fine. It was fine until one time I playtested my game on studio and the startup was absolutely laggy. There was memory spikes on the startup, and it even happens on baseplates for some reason. This just happened randomly, and I can’t seem to fix it. I replaced the registry, I actually factory resetted my whole computer thinking it was my own problem, but it 100% is a Roblox Studio problem. There are no lag spikes while playing my game on the Roblox client, but when I play on studio there are many. Any reasons why? Things I should check for?

Here is an image of the startup in the micro profiler.

Check your studio graphic settings and make sure they aren’t too high for your computer.
Go to File > Studio Settings > Rendering

Also is this a laptop or desktop device and is it running Macos or Windows 10 or 11?

I have a desktop with a Nvidia RTX 3090 , 32 GB ram, some other stuff aswell. It is a good computer- It is running Windows 11.