My roblox website is broken

So I have been having this issues for 2 days now and its starting to be very annoying, first my friend list and the roblox chat was gone now I can’t even join games from the roblox website

I have some extensions but I think it doesn’t do anything

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One or more of these may be happening because Roblox is likely rate-limiting you:

  • You are connected to a VPN or public network
  • Your extensions are making too many requests on your behalf and causing Roblox to temporarily block you from making further requests.
  • Your ROBLOSECURITY authentication cookie is domain limited


  • Try to close all of your tabs and open an incognito window and try Roblox there.
  • Disconnect your VPN or connect to a private network
  • See if the issue persists when you use a mobile hotspot
  • Try to use the Roblox windows app
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This is normal when you have no friends on your Roblox account. Do you have any friends in your Roblox account?

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works on incognito mode but how can I fix it without using incognito mode. Do I just need to wait?

I don’t have an vpn

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I have friends, but its not showing

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Sounds like you blocked one of Roblox’s cookies.

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I dont have any cookies blocked

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If it works in incognito mode, chances are there’s a cookie issue or one of your extensions is saturating requests.
Try these steps:

  1. Remove all extensions or temporarily disable them. Then, wait about 5 minutes for the Roblox rate-limit queue to reset. Refresh your page and see if the issue persists.

If the issue persists, go to chrome settings and reset cookies and other website data.

thanks man
saw a tutorial on yt like that but didn’t follow it because everytime it doen’t work


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