My script can't find a part and I'm not sure why

Well it is in a local script, and it is at the very start as you can see line two was where the print is, and I haven’t called any remote events at that point.

Weird, I have truly no idea why the script cannot find the parts.

Have any LocalScripts or such delete the part? When you run, is it there when you call it?

Maybe because its in GUI and it doesnt have access to find workspace parts, if you change the location of the script aside from that would it work?

Doubt it because it is finding the other folders in workspace, such as preview and model.

Parent camerapart to workspace and see if it can get it from there.

Already tried that, returns the same error.

I think it may be on Roblox’s side. I’m not sure because this hasn’t happened to me before?

Thing is, I used the script in another game and it worked fine, it’s really strange.

is camerapart spelt with hidden characters like a space at the end?

Nope it is not, it is plain text.

Try changing the name to something different like CameraPart

Do you have Streaming Enabled?

Doesn’t make a difference as it also doesn’t detect the part called test.

Aye, I do would that cause an issue.

Not at all, Try to set the StreamingMinRadius to the same Value as the StreamingTargetRadius, and let me know what happens. (Studio may crash so consider Saving before trying it)

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Still got the same issue arising. Just to note, it doesn’t do this on an empty TC, it works fine there.


Is it possible that maybe you have another object in Workspace with the name “CARSPAWNINGPREVIEW”?

the only thing with a duplicate name in workspace is ‘curve’ and it would be the case anyways bc its detecting other objects in the folder

Could be an old test copy of the folder, maybe a model with the same children before she cloned them and put them in a folder for testing purposes, you never know. :man_shrugging:

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