My script is only working after the second spawn

Hi, I am having a problem with a weapon sway script I made. There is a problem though, because the script does not work on your first life, but when you reset or die and spawn again, it starts working. Here is the script:

	local deltaX = game:GetService("UserInputService"):GetMouseDelta().X
	deltaX = math.clamp(deltaX, -5, 5)
	local deltaY = game:GetService("UserInputService"):GetMouseDelta().Y
	deltaY = math.clamp(deltaY, -5, 5)

	local targetFrame = CFrame.Angles(math.rad(deltaY), math.rad(deltaX), math.rad(deltaX))
	game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(script.Parent.SwayCFrame,, {Value = targetFrame}):Play()
	script.Parent.Handle.CFrame *= script.Parent.SwayCFrame.Value

This is confusing and it is like that in both game and studio.
I have tried adding a wait before loading the script and it hasn’t affected it.

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Maybe checking if the game loaded game.Loaded:Wait() or checking if the player character spawned game.Players.PlayerAdded.CharacterAdded:Wait() could work, not sure tho

thank you i will try that

welp i tried that and now it wont work at all sadly

try something like this:

	local deltaX = game:GetService("UserInputService"):GetMouseDelta().X
	deltaX = math.clamp(deltaX, -5, 5)
	local deltaY = game:GetService("UserInputService"):GetMouseDelta().Y
	deltaY = math.clamp(deltaY, -5, 5)

	local targetFrame = CFrame.Angles(math.rad(deltaY), math.rad(deltaX), math.rad(deltaX))
	game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(script.Parent.SwayCFrame,, {Value = targetFrame}):Play()
	script.Parent.Handle.CFrame *= script.Parent.SwayCFrame.Value

still no sway even on second spawn sadly

Damn, that’s weird, try this ig

    --Script Here


Sorry if i’m not being useful to you, never tried renderstepped nor the runservice before :stuck_out_tongue:

Any errors that come up in the output?

nope and what he said above didnt work either

Is this in a module script or regular server script?

it is a local script inside a tool

try doing a for loop through each player instead of a event? the character is perhaps being loaded before the event can be recognized

somethin like this

for index, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
if not player.Character then return end
	local deltaX = game:GetService("UserInputService"):GetMouseDelta().X
	deltaX = math.clamp(deltaX, -5, 5)
	local deltaY = game:GetService("UserInputService"):GetMouseDelta().Y
	deltaY = math.clamp(deltaY, -5, 5)

	local targetFrame = CFrame.Angles(math.rad(deltaY), math.rad(deltaX), math.rad(deltaX))
	game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(script.Parent.SwayCFrame,, {Value = targetFrame}):Play()
	script.Parent.Handle.CFrame *= script.Parent.SwayCFrame.Value

Then I’m guessing it has to do with the Sway attachment, maybe it only clones after the character dies.

I recommend you become familiar with RunService as it is quite useful. Just a quick fact as to why your code won’t work in this situation, you can tell OP’s script is a LocalScript because it uses the RenderStepped event which is client only. You should also know that the RenderStepped event has been replaced by the newly added PreRender event.

Assuming this is a local script Maybe use something like:

 repeat wait() until workspace:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name)

I think this is entirely due to replication, the character and animation are out-of-sync. RenderStepped will begin very quickly, PlayerAdded may be behind this instantiation so the connected function will bomb on first run. You need to make a manual connection to RenderStepped:Connect() upon load, or some self-imposed constraint (i.e. when you are sure all is good) and disconnect as and when you need. Connect PlayerAdded to a function call which begins render stepped with a return that you can disconnect at the appropriate time (i.e. PlayerRemoving() or whatever).

local connection = nil;

	-- check the connection and deal with danglers before we fail on anything else.
	if connection ~= nil then
		connection = nil;

	-- wait for replication
	local timeout = 5;
	local waittime = 0;
	local interval = 0.1;
	local value = script.Parent.SwayCFrame.Value;

	while not value do
		waittime += interval;
		value = script.Parent.SwayCFrame.Value;
		if waittime >= timeout then
			-- failed nothing to do but return here

	-- connect the render function
	connection = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function()
		-- rest of code ...


Again this didnt work but maybe i did something wrong sorry
it didnt work any time

	if script.Parent.Parent == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character then
		local deltaX = game:GetService("UserInputService"):GetMouseDelta().X
		deltaX = math.clamp(deltaX, -5, 5)
		local deltaY = game:GetService("UserInputService"):GetMouseDelta().Y
		deltaY = math.clamp(deltaY, -5, 5)

		local targetFrame = CFrame.Angles(math.rad(deltaY), math.rad(deltaX), math.rad(deltaX))
		game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(script.Parent.SwayCFrame,, {Value = targetFrame}):Play()
		script.Parent.Handle.CFrame *= script.Parent.SwayCFrame.Value

so i did this and it does print yes or no if youre holding the weapon or not, but it just wont do the sway animation

ok so i tried this before and it didnt work but yours worked but not always i had to add a wait but thank you so much it worked

and of course thank everyone else for trying to help

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