My script thinks 1 is a increment of 20

So I’m trying to make this roblox fishing rod script with rarity is based how much a guy fished. I’ve tried redoing the rarity part but it thinks that Value.Full which is set to 1 is a increment of 20 which is Config.Server.RarityModeConfig.Increment.Full.VeryRare. I’ve tried using IncrementOf(1,20)
It returned false but for some reason when i use variables/values it thinks there true.

Part of the script that doesn’t work

function IncrementOf(valtocheck,inc)
	local valueToCheck = valtocheck

	if valueToCheck % inc == 0 then
		return true
		return false
if IncrementOf(Full.Value,Config.Server.RarityModeConfig.Increment.Full.VeryRare)==true then
		elseif IncrementOf(Full.Value,Config.Server.RarityModeConfig.Increment.Full.VeryRare)==false then
			print('got common')

here’s the link to the model (the server side would be too long to paste) Note you need a leaderstat value called Cash

Are you sure Full.Value is 1? How are you setting the value for Full?

1%20 always equals 1

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Nvm I fixed it there was this bug were Full.Value always was zero fixed it now

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Glad I could help you figure this out! :slight_smile:

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