This is what i mean in run mode.
In playtest mode:
My script for the first dialog is
--We wait here, and after 0.5 seconds, we wield the H part.--
wait (1)
game.Workspace.Talk.Looped = true
game.Workspace.Talk.Playing = true
game.StarterGui.Dialogue1.TextLabel.Text = "H" -- The first line of our Letter By Letter.
wait (0.05) -- Determines when we skip to our next line.
game.StarterGui.Dialogue1.TextLabel.Text = "He" -- The second line of our Letter By Letter.
wait (0.05) -- Determines when we skip to our next line.
game.StarterGui.Dialogue1.TextLabel.Text = "Hey" -- The third line of our Letter By Letter.
wait (0.05) -- Determines when we skip to our next line.
game.StarterGui.Dialogue1.TextLabel.Text = "Hey!" -- The fourth line of our Letter By Letter.
game.Workspace.Talk.Looped = false
game.Workspace.Talk.Playing = false
wait (2)
game.StarterGui.Dialogue1.Enabled = false
game.StarterGui.Dialogue2.Enabled = true
print “Dialogue 1 has disappeared”
My code for the second dialog is
--We wait here, and after 0.5 seconds, we wield the H part.--
wait (3)
game.Workspace.Talk.Looped = true
game.Workspace.Talk.Playing = true
game.StarterGui.Dialogue2.TextLabel.Text = "I" -- The first line of our Letter By Letter.
wait (0.05) -- Determines when we skip to our next line.
game.StarterGui.Dialogue2.TextLabel.Text = "I'" -- The second line of our Letter By Letter.
wait (0.05) -- Determines when we skip to our next line.
game.StarterGui.Dialogue2.TextLabel.Text = "I'm" -- The third line of our Letter By Letter.
wait (0.05) -- Determines when we skip to our next line.
game.StarterGui.Dialogue2.TextLabel.Text = "I'm y" -- The fourth line of our Letter By Letter.
wait (0.05) -- Determines when we skip to our next line.
game.StarterGui.Dialogue2.TextLabel.Text = "I'm yo" -- The fifth line of our Letter By Letter.
wait (0.05) -- Determines when we skip to our next line.
game.StarterGui.Dialogue2.TextLabel.Text = "I'm you" -- The sixth line of our Letter By Letter.
wait (0.05) -- Determines when we skip to our next line.
game.StarterGui.Dialogue2.TextLabel.Text = "I'm your" -- The seventh line of our Letter By Letter.
wait (0.05) -- Determines when we skip to our next line.
game.StarterGui.Dialogue2.TextLabel.Text = "I'm your a" -- The eighth line of our Letter By Letter.
wait (0.05) -- Determines when we skip to our next line.
game.StarterGui.Dialogue2.TextLabel.Text = "I'm your as" -- The ninth line of our Letter By Letter.
wait (0.05) -- Determines when we skip to our next line.
game.StarterGui.Dialogue2.TextLabel.Text = "I'm your assi" -- The tenth line of our Letter By Letter.
wait (0.05) -- Determines when we skip to our next line.
game.StarterGui.Dialogue2.TextLabel.Text = "I'm your assis" -- The eleventh line of our Letter By Letter.
wait (0.05) -- Determines when we skip to our next line.
game.StarterGui.Dialogue2.TextLabel.Text = "I'm your assist" -- The 12th line of our Letter By Letter.
wait (0.05) -- Determines when we skip to our next line.
game.StarterGui.Dialogue2.TextLabel.Text = "I'm your assista" -- The fourth line of our Letter By Letter.
wait (0.05) -- Determines when we skip to our next line.
game.StarterGui.Dialogue2.TextLabel.Text = "I'm your assistan" -- The fourth line of our Letter By Letter.
wait (0.05) -- Determines when we skip to our next line.
game.StarterGui.Dialogue2.TextLabel.Text = "I'm your assistant" -- The fourth line of our Letter By Letter.
wait (0.05) -- Determines when we skip to our next line.
game.StarterGui.Dialogue2.TextLabel.Text = "I'm your assistant!" -- The fourth line of our Letter By
Does anybody know how to fix this?
Also the GUI is supposed to go away when both say they disappeared.