My services to make leaderboards

About Me

Hi there! I am offering my services as a leaderboard maker . I specialize in asset creation and level design. I have been building for 2 years on Roblox and have previously worked on titles such as yugimuto1234532s badge walk and obby fun groups badge counter . this is a list of leaderboards ik how to make. time leaderboards, follower leaderboards, joins leaderboards, global badge counter leaderboard


You can view my assets here: (2) Yugimuto’s - badge walk --62–Badges - Roblox


I am available for six to eight hours of work on the weekends. You can contact me any time, but I am able to work 2-3 hours during the week due to school.


Prices are negotiable, I accept per asset. My preferred payment method is [robux].


you can contact me on discord dont get discord if you are not 13+ yugimuto1234532#0422

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile: i hope i get to work with you soon and also the price for my service is up to you


i cant wait to work with you guys