My short animated music video

I posted this on the wrong thread, was completely oblivious that this one existed - My bad!

But check out my new animation and tell me what u think <3


You could have asked a mod to move your thread instead of making another thread.

You can do that?
I’m new here.
Ive got a solution

You can move your thread to a new category yourself by editing the title.

1 Like

Hey that’s pretty cool! :smile:

Oh. Right looool, well i edited my last post to something completely off topic if that helps?

Not bad! I like the animation on the humanoid. :slight_smile:

Ammmmmazzzing, lovely work dude!

You’re gonna go far if you keep this up, I reckon you should contact some big ROBLOX employers and ask whether you could create trailers for their games.

I’m also interested in hiring you, but I have to wait until I have a product to sell haha

Otherwise, good luck on you own projects, looking forward to seeing more.

Thanks bro! <3