Hi guys! So, I decided to create an alien terra. The theme is basically Earth-like planet. Though , it looks pretty normal but alright! This is a game I am starting to build and it’s basically a showcase, I hope you like it! I’m also up for any feedback or suggestions to things as well.
You here and there managed to capture some of oasis feel however what type of oasis your going for? I see this is featured with desert objects and plants - trees surrounding the water area I’m assuming this is still being planned out on what objects to place. Is this created through a reference image?
The terrain seems slightly good like the elevation put into it if this is more of a forest you should include more density in the trees to capture that type of feel your wanting to approach and having very few features other than trees. Include a bunch of objects common things like bushes, shrubs, flowers, logs, so on and so forth.
However there isn’t mush to say since this is still in earlier development I’d be interested to see the full product.
what is so interesting about this showcase, seems pretty basic, you even put “an interesting showcase” in the game name so im just wondering about that
no hate but just becouse the creator thinks something about a game that dosen mean its true, example like if a say my game is “ganna end police brutality” it dosent mean that its actualy going to, and the place has not got alot of visits and theres only one other reply to this post so i dont get how you know that most players thinked its interesting when theres no way to find out and no evidence of it
I meant some players, the other ones I really don’t know unfortunently. I have only kept track of like 6-7 users who joined my game. Those were my friends that checked it out and thought it was pretty neat but only like two from devforum.
But I did change the name of the game by now, I just had to put some sort of title but I’m awkward naming things. Anyway! Sorry for that, hahah…
Anyway for the other things you said yes I am planning to add these things that you’ve said but I just need to do things step by step. Thanks for the suggestions.
New name def works better. (awkward full stop at then end of the title tho…?) I personally would change the trees to spheres and make them non transparent… Also did you know you can change the colours in the terrain panel? maybe pink grass and purple rocks? or change the skybox to make things a little more alien…?
My depiction of an alien terra would be different. Yes I know I can change the colours but I actually like an Earth-Like alien terra. Purple rocks and such… It may be able to work just maybe… Also, I just don’t think spheres are good but I could make them non-transparent.